[POC (Poca Cash), the first eco-application project of IPS (IPS-Thales), the first lightweight high-performance parallel chain of DOT (Poca) ecology, debuted on the Firecoin public chain exchange MDEX with an opening hour gain of over 120 times]

The first eco-application project POC (Poca Cash) under IPS (IPS-Thales), the first lightweight high-performance parallel chain of DOT (Poca) ecology, debuted on MDEX, the largest exchange of the Firecoin Heco public chain, at 5:00 GMT on April 22, 2021, with an opening hour gain of over 120 times and a market value of over $1 billion.

Firecoin ECO Chain Heco, known as Huobi ECO Chain (Heco), is a decentralized, energy-efficient public chain and the first product launched by the Firecoin open platform, which supports high-performance transactions and enables smart contract compatibility. The native digital asset of the Firecoin Ecochain Heco is HT, which uses the HPoS consensus mechanism. Firecoin Ecochain Heco links users, assets and decentralized applications efficiently, significantly reducing the threshold for application landing and growth, and allowing users and developers to enjoy an efficient and low-cost on-chain experience

MDEX is an automatic market-making decentralized exchange based on the concept of capital pools. Based on DEX, a dual-chain DEX model based on the Firecoin Ecosystem Chain and Ether is proposed and implemented. MDEX combines the advantages of the Firecoin Ecosystem Chain Heco’s low transaction fees and the prosperity of the Ether ecosystem, and supports the dual mining mechanism for liquidity and transactions.




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